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Taking a Walk with Ailsa... 


Hi Ailsa 

We are heading back to Cape Town after an action packed and yet relaxing weekend in Prince Albert. 

Just wanted to say a big thanks to you for your wonderful welcome and stories of Prince Albert. 

It was such a wonderful and fun way to introduce everyone to Prince Albert and give them a great sense of the history, people, flavours and essence of the beautiful little town. 

Everyone spoke of and referred back to our walk with you so many times over the weekend. 

Thanks and well done to real positive forces like yourself who put so much into maintaining these towns, our history and doing so much to support the communities. 

All the  best, Andrew McMaster. March 2024


Ailsa had only my one booking for her Ghost Walk during off season and she was still willing to continue with the tour. She was such wonderful company, we were relaxed, comfortable and she really shows you the town in ways you can easily miss or take for granted. I never felt rushed for us to finish. I cannot recommend Ailsa's tours enough and this town is so incredibly special.   

Naomi Senekal (facebook) February 2024


Hi Ailsa
We are back in Johannesburg after an amazing holiday. We just want to thank you again for the wonderful ghost walk, it was definitely one of the highlights of our holiday.

Louie and Louis January 2024


Hello Ailsa

Great to have met you and your Ghost tour was fabulous. It's always good to hear about the history of interesting places.  The Swartberg Pass lived up to expectations.

Silvana January 2024


Hi Ailsa, I wanted to thank you and tell you that we thoroughly enjoyed the walk with you. It has just made me greedy for more of this wonderful place's history. Thank you once again - your passion and knowledge are so appreciated.

Bev and John December 2023


Thank you Ailsa for the very enjoyable Historical Walk, we all enjoyed it immensely. We particularly found the information about the Swartberg Pass interesting, and enjoyed the trip over it the more because of our new found knowledge. 

Teresa December 2023


Many thanks for a brilliant walk and all the information. We had a fantastic evening.

Willem Steyn from London December 2023


Thank you very much.  We thoroughly enjoyed our Ghost Walk. Finding out a bit more about Prince Albert really enriched our day yesterday when we walked around.  We never found any ghosts though! 

Wendy Cock December 2023


Ailsa is truly an exceptional story teller who had us mesmerised with her stories of this beautiful town. We booked the ghost tour but she quickly picked up that we were enthralled with her stories of the general history and current events of the town and she fluidly adjusted her talk to accommodate our interests and queries. I couldn’t recommend her more (& her prices are such good value for money).

Lisa de Boer November 2023


We've just arrived back in Cape Town and want to thank you so much for the highlight of our trip. What an incredible home you have in that little town. As English teachers, we were both struck by your wonderful story telling. Your pupils must have hung on each word. We do look forward to our next walk.

Paddy Kew-Simpson  October 2023


We want to thank you Ailsa. We love the way you tell your stories...we can see you enjoy it sooo much. It was one of the highlights on our trip. Have a great week ahead and see you on our next road trip to Prince Albert. 

Chantal October 2023


Hello Ailsa

It was wonderful meeting you last week, and again thank you so very much for the tour of Prince Albert which was extremely interesting.

Your knowledge of Prince Albert is only surpassed by your enthusiasm. You brought the village to life for us.

The little titbits and stories you wove around buildings and people created so much that all four of us will never see or think of Prince Albert the same again, in fact we will never see any town/hamlet we drive through the same, knowing that there are so many interesting untold stories waiting to be heard.

The three clocks on the church my stand-out!

 Darrell Raubenheimer October 2023

(For the full Raubenheimer story read my November 2023 newsletter here)




A friend in the UK alerted me to the fact that I was mentioned in The Telegraph Travel section 14 Jan 2023. The Perfect SA holiday.
“Prince Albert is a small but cosmopolitan town that’s popular with artists.… A great way to explore the Victorian-era streets is with guide Ailsa Tudhope ‘the Story Weaver’ …”   



Hello hello
Just a short note to thank you for the splendid walk around Prince Albert
Our entire family recall the stroll and stories as a holiday highlight ✨️
Trust that the 2023 road ahead of us will be smooth sailing and take us to good places.
Kind regards
Grant Lin and the 3 Smith kids

1 January 2023


Dear Ailsa,

Thank you so very much for sending me your super stories in the Story Weaver which is so enjoyed!
I went on one of your Ghost walks in February with my son Douglas which his girlfriend, Amy Perold whose parents live in Prince Albert, strongly recommended, and we were not disappointed! 
This sent with very best wishes to you and your friends and family for good health and many more enjoyable Prince Albert adventures.
Alex Wood  2022


Thank you Ailsa - your tour was an absolute treat for Norman and I - the loadshedding definitely is an advantage too. You are a gem in Prince Albert's crown of loveliness. 

Leeann Donaldson Kaplan   June 2022


Thank you for sharing your village and stories with us last Sunday night - was especially “spooky” during loadshedding. 

Samantha van der Horst July 2022

Dear Ailsa,
We have all returned to our respective homes after a wonderful stay in Prince Albert.  We all agreed that your tour was the highlight of our celebrations and I would just like to say a very big thank you for taking us around your charming village with all the wonderful architecture and fascinating history.l
Kind regards
Paddy Campbell  Cape Town June 2021

We enjoyed the ghost walk thoroughly!! Ailsa shared her knowledge with so much enthusiasm and is a brilliant storyteller! She had us in awe! From stories about how Prince Albert came to be, historical events, the architecture, to all the interesting characters that inhabited this wonderful town, and the ghosts that are still sticking around, because in Ailsa's words - "the town is just too wonderful for them to leave!"

Loved every second of the tour!

Charne Symington  October 2020



Hi Ailsa

Thank you so much for the wonderful walking tour last week. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Grace gave her granny a blow by blow of all the characters when we got back to Cape Town. The museum visit was lovely, particularly after all your titbits of information on the ghost tour. Sadly no sightings though. It was the most fascinating, entertaining walk with loads of information about the town, it’s history, architecture, surroundings, characters and ghosts. Absolutely fabulous. I have recommended you to quite a few people already.

Warm regards, Rose 22 September 2020




We have joined this tour for two years in a row. Ailsa is such a good story teller and history fanatic. Every time we are surprised by new and interesting stories of Prince Albert and its history, rather unusual presences and rich culture. We will be joining for our third tour this year! Thanks Ailsa for this amazing experience!

Simoné de Reuck 2 December 2019





An Entertaining walk

A walk with Ailsa is a must as early as possible in your stay in Prince Albert. She has such a wealth of knowledge about the history, architecture, characters, geography and legends of the town. Then as you explore the town later her talks bring so much added enjoyment.

Although there were only the two of us on the walk - and it hardly seemed worth her while to take us out, she did so with great enthusiasm.

Brian M    23 November 2019



Outside Onse RusLovely entertaining presentation of Prince Albert stories not often told.

There is something for everyone in a walking tour of Prince Albert at sunset. Little unpublished details of local characters and buildings are woven into entertaining stories that will inspire you to find out more. It is definitely worth staying overnight in Prince Albert to experience this activity.

Mike 19 October 2019



Excellent Historical Ghost Tour with Ailsa

We met Ailsa a few minutes after seeing the brightest rainbow of our lives so we knew it was going to be good experience. And it was! She has such a skill for sharing knowledge and keeping you interested along the way. We loved it all and can’t wait to go back to Prince Albert for another one of her walks. She was really kind, flexible and fun! Thanks Ailsa for a great ghost tour cause ‘strange things happen in the Karoo’. We’ll be back :) 

Jonty  21 September 2019



Thanks to Briony Chisolm for the photo.



Fun family outing

What a wonderful and fun thing to do with my teenage daughters. Ailsa was absolutely delightful. Her knowledge and stories were superb and we thoroughly enjoyed the tour and her recommendations of other places to visit in Prince Albert. 

Since our tour, she has also become a writing tutor for both my teenagers and they have thoroughly enjoyed this year long writing course for teenagers. I also receive her regular Story Weaver newsletters which I always find very interesting and informative. I am very grateful to have met her and for the confidence and enjoyment of writing she has nourished in my children. Thank you Ailsa. 

Pascale   1 September 2019



Dear Ailsa

Our evening with you will be remembered for two things: the strip show as our scarves beanies gloves and jackets were shed one by one on a warm Winter Karoo night and your enchanting / enchanted storytelling for all ages. Floating ahead in your black cloak sharing not only local ghosties but the history of Prince Albert that will enrich our stay here! Thank you for a delightful evening in the streets of your town.

Mariette and Jenni   20 June 2019



MC at the annual Leesfees 2017Fascinating and fun! This was a spectacular evening.

Prince Albert is an absolute gem and a wonderful place to visit. The Ghost Walk with Ailsa was absolutely superb and a highlight of our trip there. We would recommend this as early in your trip to Prince Albert as possible.

Hearing the stories about the people and the town made Prince Albert that much more special. We have been retelling the stories as best we can to our friends and families.

When Ailsa writes her book we will be the first in line :-)

Doug & Jenny April 2019



Dear Ailsa

Thank you for such a magnificent and informative tour of Prince Albert. Your pride shines through, enlightening us with the joys of your part of the world. 

Thank you once again.

Hazel Ogg  April 2019



This is a must do when visiting Prince Albert. Instead of it just being another beautiful Karoo dorp, the town comes alive with its history and oddball characters from the past (and present!) Ailsa is a very gifted storyteller and a walking encyclopaedia! This is no dry historical tour, there is lots of laughter and interaction. 

Robyn and John, March 2019



Ailsa is a fantastic story teller and historian and will outdo Google any day! Despite almost being blown away by a cold wind, we entered the streets. The depth of knowledge and the manner in which it is told kept me hanging on Ailsa's lips the whole tour. If one is interested in the history of the town and its goings on, then this tour is a must and should definitely be done first. Ghosts? It's for you to experience!!!

Avril, October 2018



Out and about with The Story Weaver.

Our guide , Ailsa, was absolutely wonderful. On a very windy night she kept us totally entertained for more than ninety minutes and we could have easily gone for another hour. The definite highlight of our visit to Prince Albert and a must do for all visitors to the town. 

Judy and Nico Kock October 2018



The Historical Ramble: 

Wonderful experience! The knowledge makes the tour seem like a trip down social, economic, agricultural and architectural history!

Graciela Gonzalez Brigas   August 2018



The Ghost Walk:

When next you're in Prince Albert, do yourselves a favour and go on the Ghost Walk with The Story Weaver, Ailsa Tudhope, as night falls and the (mostly benign) ghosties come out to play. She's a masterful storyteller and a mine of knowledge of the town and its people's history.

Briony Chisolm April 2018



You don't believe in ghosts? Take the tour... it will change your mind forever

Late evening, black clouds on top of the Swartberg and a strong wind through Prince Albert. Perfect conditions for the ghosts of Prince Albert.... Ailsa knows all of them personally and will tell you the stories of their destiny. You will be fascinated by the stories, but even more impressed how real they get thanks to Ailsa’s talent to bring them to life. You can miss any attraction of Prince Albert, but don't miss the Ghost Tour and Ailsa!

February 2018



Hi Ailsa, thanks again for a most enjoyable walk and talk around Prince Albert, Dean and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Dean asked me to let you know that he had an "encounter" with one of the ghosts in the Fransie Pienaar Museum… we were in the bedroom and were standing next to the dressing table directly on your right when you enter the room. Dean says his legs suddenly felt really cold and goosepimply and the door on one of the cabinets swung open on its own… and they were both securely closed... he also said he felt a presence at the other building when we were walking with you, the one where the chap killed himself... so maybe some stories to add to your repertoire... I will also do a review on Tripadvisor. and will tell anyone who'll listen to do your walk....  

Tara from the UK January 2018



We were VERY FORTUNATE to have both the historical walk and Ghost walk during our visit to Prince Albert. Our truly amazing and magical story teller Ailsa transported us through history with her fantastic knowledge and animated story telling skills. She absolutely made our visit! A Total MUST for any visitor!

Almarie and friend from Sedgefield  January 2018



 NG Church tower, the clock, cast iron fence and organ... there are many tales about the churchNG Church tower, the clock, cast iron fence and organ... there are many tales about the church


Ten haunted venues around the country were the focus of a Travelground blog which featured Prince Albert’s Story Weaver.

Ailsa has been telling local tales - ghostly and historical, for sixteen years and her Ghost Walk is an entertaining light-hearted, pre-dinner event...

Travelground blog October 2017



Our group was entertained for almost 90 minutes by Alisa whose stories not only addressed the ghosts that have been seen at the locations we visited but highlighted local personalities and their historical significance to Prince Albert. She was patient and paced the walk to suit us oldies and her delivery was clear, humorous and friendly. A definite must in the company of a lovely lady.

Liesbeeck Probus Club Group from Cape Town 10 July 2017



Ailsa Tudhope, The Story Weaver, is by far one of the best and nicest attractions in Prince Albert. Her stories brim with humour and wry wit and are a delight to both children and adults. Not only will Ailsa's charming stories restore one's present and flagging hope in the human condition, they will also unearth a lovely mix of wisdom and innocence lost.

Georgia, Montagu, June 2017



The most fascinating, informative and happy walking historical architectural tour with Ailsa Tudhope through Prince Albert this morning. She is a captivating raconteur. A wonderful village brought to life through its buildings and those that built them. Thank you Ailsa, loved every minute.

Sue & Peter Gurney from Port Elizabeth 29 June 2017




"Ghost walk is a must"

Ailsa is extremely well informed about the history and people of Prince Albert and weaves wonderful stories about the ghosts still inhabiting some of the old buildings - I got goosebumps and kept looking over my shoulder !! A great experience and lots of insight into the history of Prince Albert. Loved her long black cape ... she truly looked the part.

Cheryl & Alan from Swellendam 6 June 2017



"The Gem in the Crown of Prince Albert!"

We went on the Ghost Walk on a rather cold night. What a wonderful story teller Ailsa is, keeping us intrigued and entertained and sharing wonderful stories about the people of Prince Albert, past and present. My guests from USA were delighted and so pleased to see that there were some local residents also on the tour. Ailsa does a wonderful job and I'll certainly put Prince Albert and it's excellent Story Weaver on future itineraries.

Anne Lawrance of Sakabula Safaris 12 May 2017




We were so happy that we walked the streets of this lovely town with Ailsa, getting to know its stories, people and history on the very first night of our stay. The tour really enriched the rest of our time in Prince Albert since we knew so much more about the town and the area. It made our trip to the Fransie Pienaar Museum (which in and of itself is a treat!) even better, because we knew the stories behind some of the artefacts. Ailsa is a natural tour guide and a phenomenal storyteller. She knows the town like the back of her hand. What a treat! Great value for money!

Adriëtte and Corné le Roux 7 April 2017




Hi Ailsa, 

We are in Dullstroom relaxing with a glass of wine in front of the fire, whilst listening to the rain.

This has given us time to reminisce over PA. Out came the photos and Kenneth said "call Ailsa now!"

We have no photos of the walk from just before arriving at the grave yard to the Kerksaal. Nothing in my phone, Kenneth's phone or the camera. Also the house near the owls, we have all the photos around about the owls but not Granny's House. We thought you would be interested.

Regards Joy & Kenneth Gwatkin - who joined me on a Ghost Walk on 23rd February 2017 and who took many photos!


A Spotted Eagle OwlA Spotted Eagle Owl 

We saw a pair of Spotted Eagle Owls at the foot of Luttig Street, just past Granny's House.  Strange things were happening that evening...

Spotted Eagle Owl (thanks to the Prince Albert website for the photo)



John and I so enjoyed our walk with you this week.  It really made the town come alive, although I'm not sure the ghosts wanted to ....!

Thank you and best wishes, Marilyn Lawrie, Wild Coast  March 2017



Maaike joined me for both a storytelling event and a Ghost Walk. Thank you for the feedback, Maaike!

Dear Ailsa, you know a lot of stories and you have a great way of weaving them together in a long story without becoming boring and without becoming forced. The stories you tell are interesting, but also funny. In a short period of time I had the feeling I got to know Prince Albert.

But most great about you is that you are not a record player where I press ‘play’ to get the story. No, you are fine with questions and you easily weave the answers in your story. This being able to anticipate was for me a top on the already great morning.

Thank you for this wonderful memory,  Maaike Noijons  Netherlands  January 2017


On a Historical Ramble




Prince Albert - A gem of a find in the Karoo. Steeped in history, art and culture. Even the dustbins are works of art...  Life in town, then and now came alive through the colourful characters described in Ailsa Tudhope's vivid story telling as we strolled through the streets at dusk. It was spectacular. Loved every minute of it. Thank you for your riveting stories and information. We left you feeling satisfied and inspired.

Elli Lambropoulos  January 2017




David April after the Ghost WalkDavid April after the Ghost Walk! :-)

....hoooooooo bathong ....please allow me to tell you about the GHOST WALK tomorrow morning ....I have to get through TONIGHT .... Ailsa Tudhope are a master story teller and what a delight it was to meet you ....THANK YOU!


David, Christina and Ailsa ~ Ghost Walk 27 December 2016



.....about the GHOST WALK in Prince Albert ....informative , entertaining, educational and well researched Ailsa Tudhope ...kudos to you and we will certainly do the OTHER walkabouts when we come back....other highlights ....magnificent buildings ..beautiful landscapes....TJOOOO ....we have a beautiful country bathong !David April and Ailsa

David April December 2016




Thanks David, what a pleasure to take such an enthusiastic character on my Ghost Walk!





Dearest Ailsa

I just wanted to say a big thank you for your fun and informative as well as goose bump raising talk and walk, that you gave myself and my children. We thoroughly enjoyed it! And I would highly recommend it to anyone we know visiting your beautiful, little town.

Warm regards

Shelley Hindmarch   June 2016



Fantastic tour with a wonderful story teller. Ailsa took us on a magical walking tour around the town. Very informative and quirky.


Albie and family


 Albie and family on a wintery walk 2016



On the Ghost Walk ...

Hi Ailsa

Thanks so much again for the entertaining walk down memory lane. Was really well worth doing and surprised how the kids got right into it, despite the wintery conditions. Young Isabella was terrified - therefore well done on mission accomplished ;-) 

Regards  Paul    June 2016





Hello Ailsa

Thank you for an interesting and well presented Town Tour.  You opened the core of Prince Albert to us.

Thank you so for the additional information you e-mailed to us on the "Logans of Matjiesfontein"... It strikes me, he was a difficult and eccentric man, as were so many men of that era.

Regards and wishing you much success.

Toni Frost and Farida Kennedy

21st April 2016





Thank you Ailsa for a wonderful walk last night.

I hadn't ever experienced such a lovely entertaining and educational tour. We loved it.

Michelle, Hannah, Carien and Willie Aalbers

April 2016

 Wandering along Markstraat



Good morning Ailsa,

Having returned from Prince Albert it is necessary to, once again, thank you so very much. Your ghost walk made Friday evening for the ladies!

I hope to return to PA soon and bring my 10 year granddaughter who LOVES good storytellers – she will love the evening!

Warm wishes,

Carol Coombes  Traveltime  March 2016




Dear Ailsa

What an amazing story telling gift you have!  Thank you, not only for sharing your ghostly tales and some history of Prince Albert with us, but for your attentiveness and kindness to the participants on the tour; rescuing the strays and delivering them safely to the restaurant and returning to give water to our intrepid hikers. It is this caring and generosity of spirit that will ensure that we all return to Prince Albert.

Warm regards


Cape MOG Tour November 2015




Dear Ailsa

Just want to say thank you for a most entertaining Ghost Walk on Sunday evening.  You are a story weaver par excellence!


Elaine and Helmien  November 2015



  click here for my Tripadvisor reviews



I am a registered South African Tour Guide: CATHSSETA 613/C/085000, Western Cape registration WC2911